HFA Matters – HFA’s quarterly news

The Year Ahead
The past year was marked by massive legislative development seeking to support the much desired health reforms our country requires. This has necessitated great-er engagement and collaboration amongst key industry players, to find a common place of agree-ment that caters for all needs
The new year is destined to further reforms to the extent that is practically possible given the challenging political climate we are facing. Despite the political uncertainty gripping the country, it is critical that business remains focused on driving a robust agenda of setting the appropriate regulatory environment in which the industry players will operate and function. More than ever before, it has become imperative to have an industry representative body such as the Health Funders Association (HFA) that is well positioned to work with all stakeholders to unlock value and drive a sustainable private healthcare funding industry. HFA has over the past two years proven itself as the capable and credible voice of its members. HFA will uphold and reinforce its role as the dynamic and relevant industry representative body in the current year. Anchored by a cohesive strategy, we will diligently continue with our efforts to support a conducive environment.

Welcome to the Spring edition of HFA Matters!
Events in the industry over the past few months have brought into sharp focus the need for an industry body that is able to be a collective voice and a platform for collaborative industry activities. One such example is where, at a Consultative Forum on Fraud, Waste and Abuse in July, members came together to discuss the establishment of a collective, member-driven fraud management initiative which will be established under the banner of HFA. Another relates to the HFA submissions on the NHIB, the MSAB and the HMI Provisional Report which must reflect the views of our members but at the same time must take a step towards greater collaboration between HFA and policymakers. Yet a third example is the recent application by pharma manu-facturers for an interim increase on SEP in 2018 and the subsequent requirement for a collective industry response by HFA.

From the desk of the CEO
The South African economy saw a turbulent start to 2018 with various phenomena
such as “corruption”, “state capture”, “junk status” and the looming 2019 ANC elections
shaking things up. The healthcare sector has not gone unscathed with major
and disturbing revelations emanating from the Life Esidimeni case and the outbreak of
Listeriosis, to mention a few. These political, socio-economic factors have all had a
bearing on the funding industry. Adding to these are the myriad of poorly managed
attempts to amend policy in the health arena, leading to policy uncertainty throughout
the industry.

2017 has been an eventful year and one which has thoroughly tested the mettle of the industry. I feel privileged to have been part of the collective HFA wisdom which, I believe, has navigated its way through and emerged stronger and more robust.
The calibre of the individuals who make up the organisation has enabled me to lead with confidence and integrity, safe in the knowledge that I have the support of the industry’s finest minds.

Volume One. June 2017
We are delighted to bring you this first edition of the HFA news-letter. This quarterly publication will keep you updated with the association’s activities and will highlight other important events making news in the industry. I trust you will find it informative and useful.In this edition, we feature our Inaugural Consultative Forum, held on the 28th March where three critical issues were presented by industry experts and debated by the audience.