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HFA News Flash

Dear HFA Member

The Protection of Personal Information Act 4 of 2013 (“POPIA”) has been introduced to ensure your data is kept safe, private, up to date and only used for the purpose which it was collected for.
The POPIA came into effect on 1 July 2021 and wish to reassure you that Health Funders Association (HFA) is compliant with the requirements of the POPIA as set out.

HFA is committed to protecting our members’ personal information and will only process information in accordance with the applicable data protection legislation.  The protection of data will apply to HFA, its employees and all additional service providers including suppliers who process personal information on behalf of HFA.

As a valued Member of HFA we take your privacy seriously. We therefore would like to assure you that we treat your information with confidentiality and sensitivity.

Accordingly HFA will at all times ensure that:

  • Your personal information is stored in a safe environment
  • All information at the disposal of HFA will never be shared with third parties without your consent
  • No copies or any extract of your information will be stored in an unsecure and unprotected location
  • No unauthorised persons will have access to your information without your consent           

We wish to take this opportunity to reassure you that your information is safe and remains confidential with us, and that it will continue to be used, with your consent, in association and with relevance to HFA related activities and business only.

In order to ensure that we comply with the consent requirements, we would like to give you the opportunity to unsubscribe should you no longer wish to receive any form of communication (i.e. newsletters, industry notifications etc) from HFA.

No action is required if you are happy and comfortable to be kept on our mailing list.
Note that you can opt-out of our e-mail and any other communication at any given point in time in the future.

In the event your personal information has changed (i.e. contact number/email address) please send an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to advise us of any updates.

We thank you for your continued support in ensuring that we serve the best interests of funding industry.